Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Manuskrip yang akan di submit tidak sama dan belum pernah diterbitkan atau di submit di jurnal lain
Author Guidelines
Articles or papers to be submitted must comply with the following restrictions:
- The manuscript uses Indonesian or English.
- The manuscript has never been published/published in another scientific periodical.
- Manuscripts published in this journal include writings about: policy, research, thinking, concept/theory reviews, new book reviews and other information related to engineering and computer problems.
- Manuscripts must be submitted online via the journal website. Authors must log in to submit manuscripts. For guidelines for submitting manuscripts, see the online submission menu. Online registration is free of charge.
- The number of paper pages is between 4 and 10 A4 size pages (210 x 297 mm) with manuscript format according to the template provided, including pictures, tables, does not contain an appendix. The manuscript was written using Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) with a top border of 19 mm, left and right 14.32 mm, and 43 mm for the bottom border.
- The title and keywords must be written in Indonesian, while the essence and abstract must be written in Indonesian and English.
- The number of title words is around 15 words with the following provisions: Times New Roman (TNR) typeface with font size 12, single spaced, centered, bold and spacing after 6 pt. If the title is too long, the editor has the right to edit the title without changing the meaning of the title, without the consent of the manuscript author, when the manuscript is about to be printed or published.
- It is recommended that article titles be written in Indonesian according to the Enhanced Spelling (EYD). If there are words in a foreign language, they are written in italics (Italic).
- Author names use Times New Roman 10, bold and space 1. If there is more than one author, separate them with a comma and write number 1 if the first author, number 2 if the second author, and so on.
- Include the origin of the institution (affiliation), address, postal code and author's email and write using TNR 10.
- The article begins with an Abstract and a Gist. Abstracts and Digests must not contain images or tables, be aligned right and left, type TNR 10 pt, bold, and single spaced. The abstract is written in English and Indonesian, and the digest is written in Indonesian. Abstract and Digest should not exceed 250 words. The Abstract and Digest must describe the essence of the overall content of the article.
- Keywords contain three to eight words, separated by commas, aligned right-left, TNR 10 letters, and single spaced. Keywords are chosen carefully, so that they are able to reflect the concepts contained in the article and help increase the accessibility of the article in question.
- The body of the manuscript must follow the following rules:
- Written in two column format with 4.22mm (0.17") space between columns, aligned right and left, TNR 10, spacing 1. Margins are set as follows: top = 19mm (0.75") ; bottom = 43mm (1.69"); left = right = 14.32mm (0.56").
- Systematic article writing must contain four main parts: (1) Introduction, (2) Main Content (Methodology and others), (3) Results and Discussion, and (4) Conclusion. Acknowledgments may appear after the Conclusion. References are placed at the very back. The chapter titles that must be present are Introduction and Conclusion. The Main Content chapter title explains the research method, but not necessarily with the title Method or Methodology. Results and Discussion may be written in one chapter, or written in separate chapters.
- Maximum headings are created in 3 levels:
- Heading 1: Heading level 1 must be in small caps, located in the middle and use uppercase Roman numerals. Level 1 headings that should not use numbering are "Acknowledgments" and "References". For example, 1. INTRODUCTION
- Heading 2: Level 2 headings must be italicized, facing the left and numbered using uppercase letters. For example, "C. Heading Section".
- Heading 3: Level 3 headings must be spaced, italicized, and numbered with Arabic numerals followed by a right bracket. Level 3 headings must end with a colon. The contents of the level 3 section continue following the heading title with the same paragraph. For example, this section begins with a level 3 heading.
- Figures and tables must be located in the middle (centered). Large images and tables can be spanned across both columns. Any table or image that spans more than 1 column in width should be positioned at the top/bottom of the page. Images are permitted in color. Images are numbered using Arabic numerals. Image captions in TNR 8 letters. Image captions in one line are centered, while multi-line captions are aligned right and left. Image captions are placed after the related image.
- Mathematical equations must be written clearly, numbered sequentially, and accompanied by the required information.
- Page numbers, headers and footers are not used. All hypertext links and bookmark sections will be removed. If the paper needs to refer to an email address or URL in the article, the full address or URL must be typed in regular font.
- Citations and References are written following IEEE standards.
- Citations are numbered in the format [1], [2], [3], ... in the order they appear.
- Wikipedia, personal blogs, and non-scientific websites are not allowed.
- Primary references must be taken no later than 5 years old.
- More detailed writing instructions can be viewed and downloaded on the menu bar.
Copyright Notice
The name and email address entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be used for other purposes or parties.