About the Journal

Focus and Scope

J-SISKO TECH (Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD) aims to provide cutting-edge research and practices in the Computer Science and Information System field. It provides an international publication platform to boost up the scientific and academic publication of researches in the field. Submission are invited concerning any theoretical or pratical implementation of algorithm design, methods, and development. The subject of articles contributed may cover, but is not limited to:

  • Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications
  • Biometrical Application
  • Computer Network and Architecture
  • Computer Vision
  • Content-Based Multimedia Retrievals
  • Information System
  • Data analysis
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • High Performance Computing
  • Image Processing
  • Information Retrieval
  • Information Security
  • Infrastructure Systems and Services
  • Intelligent Devices
  • Intelligent Home Environments
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Robotic Systems
  • Remote Sensing
  • Decision Support System

Peer Review Process

All articles will be critically read by at least two reviewers concealing reviewers' nor authors' identities (double-blind peer review). 

The reviewers are selected for their competences in the subject area of the article.
Acceptance of the article will depend upon its scientific merit and suitability for the J-SISKO TECH (Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD).
An article may be accepted in its original form, subject to revision, or rejection.
The reviewers' (and editor's) suggestions will be conveyed to the author, who will then have an opportunity to revise the article. A manuscript returned to an author for revision can be held for a maximum of eight weeks. The accepted articles will be edited by native English speakers. The cost of language editing service is currently free. All submitted articles will be checked for their originalities by means of Plagiarism Checker X.

Publication Frequency

J-SISKO TECH is published twice a year in January and July. Submission of manuscripts can begin 2 months before publication with the deadline for receiving manuscripts at least 1 month before publication.

Open Access Policy

This J-SISKO TECH journal adheres to the principle of open access to journal content which makes research publicly available to support knowledge exchange around the world.

Advantages of open access for authors:

  1. Free access for all users around the world
  2. The author owns the copyright for his writing
  3. Increased visibility and readership
  4. Fast publication
  5. There is no constraint with time and space.

Plagiarism Checker X

Reference Management

Journal History

  • Jurnal J-SISKO TECH terbentuk dari hasil buah pikir ketua, prodi dan dosen serta staff di STMIK Triguna Dharma.
  • Jurnal J-SISKO TECH mengajukan permohonan ISSN untuk yang media cetak pada bulan April 2018 dengan SK no. 0004.30/JI.3.02/SK.ISSN/2007.08 - 22 Juli 2018 (mulai edisi 22 Juli 2018 dengan frekuensi 6 bulanan kategori Informatika dengan Nomor ISSN : 1978-6603
  • Jurnal SAINTIKOM mengajukan permohonan ISSN untuk yang media online pada bulan Januari 2018 dengan SK no. 0005.26155133/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.03 - 6 Maret 2018 (mulai edisi Vol. 1, No. 2, Juli 2018) dengan frekuensi 6 bulanan kategori Informatika dengan Nomor ISSN : 2615-5133
  • Jurnal J-SISKO terbit 6 bulanan, pertama kali terbit edisi cetak januari 2018 dan edisi online terbit pada juli 2018
  • Untuk biaya publikasi edisi cetak akan dikenakan biaya Rp.150.000,-/ eksampler. Biaya tersebut merupakan biaya publikasi, cetak beserta pengiriman, sertifikat, dan E-Book.
  • Untuk biaya publikasi edisi online tidak dikenakan biaya yang berlaku pada Vol.1 Edisi 2 Juli 2018.
  • Pada edisi terbitan Vol.1, No.2 Juli 2018 Jurnal J-SISKO telah terindex : DOAJ, Google Scolar, IPI Portal Garuda, ISJD, Infobase Index.
  • Pada edisi terbitan Vol.2, No.1 Januari 2019 Jurnal J-SISKO telah terindex : SINTA, PKP Index, Indonesia OneSearch, Base.
  • Mulai edisi Vol.2, No.1 Januari 2019 bagi penulis yang artikelnya di publish di SAINTIKOM akan mendapat E-Sertifikat.
  • Sejak Juli 2018 seluruh artikel di jurnal J-SISKO TECH sudah mempunyai DOI dan telah menggunakan plagiarism checker X sebagai aplikasi untuk memeriksa tingkat plagiat sebuah artikel dan menggunakan reference management.